New Booking site and app

We have some exciting news to share with you! Focused on enhancing your experience with us, we have launched a new Booking Page and App!

New Booking Page

Our new booking page has now been launched and can be accessed as usual!

With improved design and increased user-friendliness, we hope you will find it both easier and smoother to use.

You log in with the same credentials as before.

New App: GoActive

We are also pleased to introduce our new app, GoActive, which will further simplify your booking process.

To get started, follow these two steps:

1. Download GoActive to your phone


2. Log in to the GoActive App

At the first use of GoActive, enter the facility code 017101 to link the app to your facility.

Then you log in with your previous credentials.

If you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.