Our mystical health guide, healing artist & nature’s mistress Claudia Wildera is finally back from her deepened spiritual journey in Mexico. She has been truly missed here at Remedy and we welcome her back with open hearts.

Starting next Tuesday Claudia will perform the new concept class: Embodied Sound Healing.

During the session Claudia will perform Sound Healing which is an effective method of relaxation and recovery that uses vibrational sounds & frequencies aiming to reduce stress & dissolve physical, energetic & mental blockages. Together with an embodied element, Claudia will guide you to intuitively move with your body. The class will help you access, express, and release sensations through the magic of sound waves and movement. To access more space within you and feel more of your true self.

Claudia will also perform the Healing Treatments “Holistic Lifestyle Guidance”, “Aroma Sound Healing” and “Sensual Liberation“. Follow links for more info and booking.

Embodied Sound Healing Class
Day: Tuesdays (starting 11th of May)
Time: 18:45